About Martin Reed

Having qualified as a chartered surveyor in his 20s and spent a lifetime in property (he can bore a small crowd on the subject of the valuation of holiday and residential caravan parks), the light has finally dawned. Martin’s husband, Paco, has been trying for over 25 years (unsuccessfully so far) to draw him into the world of board and tabletop role-playing games and, whilst Martin remains resistant to actually playing them, there is one area where he feels he can make a contribution.

A quarter of a century of exposure to his partner’s gaming activities has had an osmotic effect. Whilst playing the games is ‘still not my thing’ as he puts it, Martin now knows much about the gaming world, attributable in no small measure to the work the pair have done together on creating and expanding their two websites which cover all aspects of role-playing and board games (more about that on our partner sites page).

Over that time they have both come to understand that there is a need in the industry for high quality editing and proofreading services. There is a wide range of areas where such work is important — books, game rules, publicity material, websites. The success or failure of a game can depend upon delivery of a high quality product — not only in terms of appearance but also content. In their experience, few things annoy gamers more than material which is confusing or unclear.

Martin now divides his time between Leeds (UK) and València (Spain) where their recording studio is located (and available to creators to enhance their projects wherever in the world they may be). He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading and is keen to expand his experience in this field. He welcomes enquiries from creators across the world with projects large or small.

For over 16 years I was editor of How’s That? (the official bi-monthly journal of the Association of Cricket Umpires and Scorers), producing over 100 editions in that time. It was work I very much enjoyed. So, I thought, why not transfer those skills to the gaming world and provide a proofreading and copyediting service for game production companies and designers?

May 2024